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微软:全球10亿用户 - 5亿用盗版

本月15号,微软操作系统部门官员Kevin Turner在一次会议上透露了一个惊人的数字 - 100万名微软软件用户中有1半没有购买授权。根据微软的统计,每天大约有10亿用户在使用微软的软件,其中有5亿是盗版软件,微软没有收到一分钱。微软称对此很无奈,“除了联合当地政府进行打击外,别无它法且收效甚微。”

Out of 1 million people who use Microsoft software on a daily basis only half have paid for the licenses and the associated rights to do so, according to the Redmond company. In his keynote at the Public Safety Symposium in Redmond, Washington on April 15, 2009, Kevin Turner, Microsoft’s chief operating officer, indicated that no less than 500 million of the users running Microsoft software products out of the 1 billion per day were not paying a single cent to the company. The Redmond giant has so far been unable to do anything else but curb the piracy phenomenon working with governments from
markets around the world.
