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全球知名的www.google.com被一名叫徐翔(英文名:louis braille)的中国黑客入侵成功.他改变google的logo并植入louis braille birthdate 搜索以纪念他的生日.不信请现在登陆google,点击google图案试看看!

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掉到泥巴里的食物  3秒内还能吃
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掉到氰化钾里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到马桶里面的食物    任何時候都不能吃

January 4 is the birthdate of Louis Braille, the inventor of Braille. World Braille Day is a tribute to the genius of Louis Braille, who, almost 200 years ago, revolutionized the lives of people who are blind, visually impaired, or deafblind with his invention of a simple yet sophisticated system of six raised dots. Used in various combinations, the six "magic" dots can be used to form letters of the alphabet, musical notations, chemistry symbols, numbers, and punctuation.

1月4 日是Louis 盲人识字系统发明者出生日期。
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掉到泥巴里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到煤堆里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到砒霜里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到氰化钾里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到马桶里面的食物    任何時候都不能吃

