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[经验交流] Here is a new idea to show button !

本帖最后由 cmkm 于 2010-5-12 22:12 编辑

i am not Chinese!
so i can't use Chinese to show you my idea!,
all we know about dock laucher... ex: rocket dock, mac os dock....
but they worked like a software.

all browser have sidebar (floating/ hide bar)

why don't we make a blooming/floating button  to show  a group button or a mini tool bar!??
let's the first browser have this function, small pluggin or addon!?

save space, simple main design

click an show , how many plug in you can ....add    Woow

like this:


or like this:


or like this:


or like this: (so OK)


or like this

Hope you think about it, only foalting minibar!

yes, i can't read Chinese!
so i use google translate to browse this forum!

But i use the world browser  with english version
full + dial page+ filter with black list + auto fill form version (smart list)
that 's enought to use
download here (TheWorld En forum)

hope admin sign in En forum more usually!
at En forum, call openning forum
so we help together answer out question!
like a social forum

poor for non chinese user
untill now, i bring to TheWorld 3 upto 50 new user
next time, will 100 user
hope that

social forum, hope new user like it

