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[交流] 求救TW2平滑滚动插件问题

// Yet Another Smooth Scrolling for IE ver.1.0.1
// Copyright (c) 2008 kataho ( kataho.mail@gmail.com )
// ==UserScript==
// @name          YetAnotherSmoothScrolling for IE
// @namespace     http://www.aa.alpha-net.ne.jp/kataho/xpi/yassie.html
// @description   Make scrolling comfortable smooth
// @include       *
// ==/UserScript==
document.yass_samp =
init: function(_this)
  /* >> Only here you need to edit for changing smooth animation in detail */
  // Pixels scroll with one wheel tick
  _this.m_pref.wheelstep = 100; // (0 - inf)
  // Latency of rising of speed in beginning of a movement
  var smooth_begin = 25.5; // (0.0 - 100.0)
  // Latency of fading of speed in ending of a movement
  var smooth_end = 58.4; // (0.0 - 100.0)
  // Sensitivity for wheel spinning speed that makes wider scale-up to movement
  _this.m_pref.wheelaccel = 217; // (0 - inf)
  /* << */
  _this.m_pref.wheeldumping = (900-(8.9*smooth_end))/1000;
  _this.m_pref.wheelbdumping = (8.9*smooth_begin)/890;
m_pref: {},
m_sobj: null,
m_jumpto: 0,
m_wheelactive: false,
m_lastfunctime: 0,
m_lasteventtime: 0,
m_speed: 300,
range: function(t,min,max) { return (t<min)?min(t>max)?max:t); },
handleEvent: function(ev)
  var detail = -ev.wheelDelta;
  _this = document.yass_samp;
  var lastbody = (_this.m_sobj) ? _this.m_sobj.body : null;
  _this.m_sobj = _this.findNodeToScroll(ev.srcElement,detail);
  if(_this.m_sobj == null || _this.m_sobj.body != lastbody)
   _this.m_wheelactive = false;
  if(!_this.m_sobj) { return true; }
  if(detail == 0) return false;
  var ctm = (new Date()).getTime();
  // branch for step
  var step = _this.m_pref.wheelstep;
  _this.m_speed = (_this.m_speed + Math.min(300,ctm - _this.m_lasteventtime)) / 2;
  _this.m_lasteventtime = ctm;
   var delta =  step * ((detail<0)?-1:1);
   _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop += (delta<0)?-1:1;
   _this.m_jumpto = _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop + delta;
   _this.m_wheelactive = true;
   _this.m_lastscrolltop = _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop;
   _this.m_lastfunctime = (new Date()).getTime() - 17;
   _this.m_vpos = _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop;
   _this.m_lastd = 0;
   var accel = _this.m_pref.kbdaccel/100;
    var remain = _this.m_jumpto - _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop;
    if((remain * detail) < 0)
     _this.m_jumpto = _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop;
     return false;
    accel = _this.range(_this.m_pref.wheelaccel/_this.m_speed, 1.0, (400/step));
   _this.m_jumpto += Math.round(step*((detail<0)?-1:1) * accel);
  return false;
funcwheel: function(_this,kbd,idelta)
  if(_this.m_wheelactive == false) return;
  if(!_this.m_sobj) { _this.m_wheelactive = false; return; }
  var tm = (new Date()).getTime();
  var frametime = (tm - _this.m_lastfunctime);
  var fframetime = frametime/17;
  if(frametime == 0) { setTimeout("document.yass_samp.funcwheel(document.yass_samp,"+kbd+","+idelta+");",1); return; }
  _this.m_lastfunctime = tm;
  var f = kbd?_this.m_pref.kbddumping:_this.m_pref.wheeldumping;
  var bdump = kbd?_this.m_pref.kbdbdumping:_this.m_pref.wheelbdumping;
   var timefromev = tm - _this.m_lasteventtime + 17;
   var bd = 1.0;
    bd = _this.range(timefromev/(bdump*2000) + ((_this.m_lastd!=0)?0.20:0.0), 0.05, 1.0);
   _this.m_lastd = bd;
   f *= bd;
  f *= _this.range(fframetime,0.6,1.0);
  if(fframetime > 1.0) f += (1.0-f) * f * Math.min((fframetime-1.0), 1.0);
  var fordest = (_this.m_jumpto - _this.m_vpos);
  var d = fordest * f;
  var lenfordest = Math.abs(fordest);
  if(lenfordest<=1 || (lenfordest<10 && d*d<0.4) || d*idelta<0 || _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop != _this.m_lastscrolltop ) { _this.m_wheelactive = false; return; }
  _this.m_vpos += d;  
  _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop = _this.m_vpos;
  if(_this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop == 0
    || _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop == _this.m_sobj.maxscroll
  ) { _this.m_wheelactive = false; return; }

  _this.m_lastscrolltop = _this.m_sobj.body.scrollTop;
findNodeToScroll: function(orig,hint)
  // vertically scrollable?
  function getscrolltype(hscroll, hclient)
   if(hclient < 50) return false;
   if(hscroll <= hclient) return false;
   return true;
  var scrollovercheck =
    (function(){return true;})
     (function(a,b){return (a>0);}):
     (function(a,b){return (a<b)&&(b>1)/* <- magic code | there is an area unmovable really but looks like 1px scrollable */;})
  var doc = orig.ownerDocument.documentElement;
  if(doc && doc.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "html") { return null; }
  var bodies = doc.getElementsByTagName("body");
  if(!bodies || bodies.length == 0) { return null; }
  var body = bodies[0];
  var node = (orig == doc) ? body : orig;
  var retobj =
   originalTarget: orig
  var log = "";
   log += node.nodeName + "("+node.clientHeight+")";
   if(/option|optgroup/.test(node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { return null; }
   if(node.clientHeight && (node == doc || node == body))
    var realheight = node.clientHeight;
    log += "(" + node.scrollTop + " " + (node.scrollHeight-realheight) + ")";
    if(getscrolltype(node.scrollHeight, realheight) && scrollovercheck(node.scrollTop,node.scrollHeight-realheight))
     retobj.body = node;
     retobj.height = realheight;
     retobj.maxscroll = node.scrollHeight - node.clientHeight;
     retobj.log = log;
     return retobj;
   if(node == doc) break;
   log += "->";
   node = node.parentNode;
   return this.findNodeToScroll(orig.ownerDocument.frames.frameElement.ownerDocument.documentElement,hint);
  // exception for ie spcecific weird page
  if(doc.clientHeight == 0 && body.clientHeight > 0 && (doc.scrollHeight - body.clientHeight) > 0)
   return null;

  // no scrollable area found in content ( mainly for image only page to handle )
  // return body
  retobj.body = body;
  retobj.height = body.clientHeight;
  retobj.maxscroll = body.scrollHeight - body.clientHeight;
  retobj.log = log + "default";
  return retobj;

document.attachEvent("onmousewheel", document.yass_samp.handleEvent);






