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Your suggestion sounds like a poem,maybe I would call mentalism. lol.Of cz its a joke.But u know that  if the debugversion have been put in 2 someguys should be destroy the users' confidence of the browser.Lunankoo is right,we should get some ways from the Maxthon,it's really a blood lesson to every developer.Thx your illumination remark.
掉到地上的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到泥巴里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到煤堆里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到砒霜里的食物  3秒内还能吃
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掉到马桶里面的食物    任何時候都不能吃


原帖由 fratre 于 2007-4-20 11:53 发表 http://bbs.ioage.com/images/common/back.gif

It doesn't necessarily follow.
I don't know what is "Mathon debug version  blood event", but if use the proper policy, the debug version would contribute the trail of some damn bug and no ...

   Thx your advice .thats right, with  the development of the internet,plenty of websites  become so complex and  some of frameworks maybe  not fit the normal.how to improve the stability and  reliability of theworld browser becomes more and more significant.I always think that  the phoenix studio devote themselvs 2 analyze the reliability of the browser  with study of test process and testing tools is so hard .U know,2 the  developer ,finding the bugs how 2 entered the developprogress and testing why the error impossible to defend effectively on ocassion.
   As a developer,u should c thats NOT the certain particular error,the developers take part in the progress lacked communication of cz not evasion. As a result,many guys thought that put the dugversion will get the user done once and for ever .Its the final  methods of software reliability and its strategic apply in browser quality assurance are summarized importantly.At the present time,establishing the unobstructed communication channel in the development personnel and the common user should be become the plan stage as a part. At present developing  the group should  emphasis to put in participates in the application procedure development, the user should  cooperation eachohter , this certainly  not mean had to use thespecial-purpose procedure to test promotes the quality,just forms a ring circuit 2 put in the bugs.germination, refined management, constructs with the transformation is the inevitable process in the  software develops, bless  our browser.
掉到地上的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到泥巴里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到煤堆里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到砒霜里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到氰化钾里的食物  3秒内还能吃
掉到马桶里面的食物    任何時候都不能吃

