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标题: [经验交流] Here is how to add another plugin browsers to TheWorld 3 [打印本页]

作者: cmkm    时间: 2010-5-12 22:17     标题: Here is how to add another plugin browsers to TheWorld 3

now you can add some plugins from GreenBrowser, avant, Maxthon, The World 2 to The World3.
follow these step:
1-add blank to Favorites
2-right click to edit recent blank favarite.
   & input javascipt to address form:
tips: make folder named Tools like this to use your plugin.

here is some useful scripts:
1*------------------Maxthon plugin
Protect EyeSight
use:Changes the web background colour to light grey. So your eyes don't receive strong white light colours anymore! Made by cm-keo.mut'-at
javascriptfunction() {  window.onerror = null;   var bgCol ="CCCCCC"; = bgCol; document.body.innerHTML = newCode; } )();

2*------------------Maxthon plugin
name: zzToggle-Img
use: Hides and shows images on the current page.This plugin hides and shows images on the current page. ...

3*------------------Maxthon plugin
name:  Mouse unlock
javascript:if (location.hostname != "") { function blkErr() {return true;} onerror=blkErr; function cbgr4376bv() {if (event != null) {event.returnValue=true; event.cancelBubble=false; return true;}} function cbfr4432d(d) {cbfr4432df(d); cbfr4432de(d);} function cbfr4432de(d) {cbfr4432deo(d); cbfr4432deo(d.body);} function cbfr4432deo(o) {o.onmousedown=cbgr4376bv; o.oncontextmenu=cbgr4376bv; o.onmouseup=cbgr4376bv; o.onselectstart=cbgr4376bv; o.ondragstart=cbgr4376bv; o.onbeforecopy=cbgr4376bv;} function cbfr4432df(obj) {var frs=obj.frames; if (frs != null) {var frc = frs.length; var fri = 0; while (fri < frc) {cbfr4432d(frs[fri].document); fri++}}} cbfr4432d(document);}

4*--------------------Green Browser

name:  View Selection
Use: select a text or objects on web, click view selection favarite, it will show only web script of the selection!
javascript:function doDocument(doc) { try { if (doc.selection.createRange().htmlText.length) { prompt("Selection Area Code:",doc.selection.createRange().htmlText); return; } var frs=doc.frames; if (frs != null && frs.length>0) { for (var i=0; i < frs.length; i++) { doDocument(frs.document); } } }catch(e){} } doDocument(document);

How to find these script
Open you plugin folder you want!
open file htm by Notepad
join script in one line
copy and pass to your blank favarite .

have fun
作者: 天尘    时间: 2010-5-12 22:27

sorry,your pictures can't be seen
作者: AY    时间: 2010-5-12 22:27

Thanks! We know this for eternity. We call these bookmarklets, or favelets  
作者: AY    时间: 2010-5-12 22:30

You can find several hundreds in
作者: erxat    时间: 2010-5-13 00:50


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