Having a Coke http://ww123.net/baby/attachments/month_0609/v8nA1g==_tag1B2XTrIN5.jpg
可口可乐是典型的美国饮料。可口可乐最初是用古柯树叶和可乐果做成的一种糖浆,作为药品出售。药剂师将苏打水加在这种混合物中做成饮料,并装在即开瓶和汽水桶里出售给消费者。最后,现代的汽水机代替了汽水桶,现代化的汽水机不仅用来出售可乐,而且可以用来出售其他的一些受欢迎的软饮料。 http://sujie.fjfood.net/upfile/shop/product/2007060915252387420.jpg Coca-Cola is an American classic refreshment. It was originally made from a syrup of coca leaves and cola nuts and sold as a medicine. A pharmacist added soda water to the consumer in ready-to-drink bottles and in soda fountains.Eventually, the soda fountain gave way to the modern soda pop machine, which dispenses not only Coke but other popular soft drinks as well.