回复 #1 mengfanbo 的帖子
Debug?... 马桶的D版还不够失败么? :lol: 什么的意思? [quote]原帖由 [i]lunakoo[/i] 于 2007-4-20 10:23 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]Debug?... 马桶的D版还不够失败么? [/quote]
支持!!! **** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 **** Your suggestion sounds like a poem,maybe I would call mentalism. lol.Of cz its a joke.But u know that if the debugversion have been put in 2 someguys should be destroy the users' confidence of the browser.Lunankoo is right,we should get some ways from the Maxthon,it's really a blood lesson to every developer.Thx your illumination remark. [quote]原帖由 [i]寄托天下[/i] 于 2007-4-20 10:51 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Your suggestion sounds like a poem,maybe I would call mentalism. lol.Of cz its a joke.But u know that if the debugversion have been put in 2 someguys should be destroy the users' confidence of t ... [/quote]
:o TW language [quote]原帖由 [i]寄托天下[/i] 于 2007-4-20 10:51 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Your suggestion sounds like a poem,maybe I would call mentalism. lol.Of cz its a joke.But u know that if the debugversion have been put in 2 someguys should be destroy the users' confidence of t ... [/quote]
真可怜,没有输入法可以用:sad2: [quote]原帖由 [i]rebirth[/i] 于 2007-4-20 10:58 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
真可怜,没有输入法可以用:sad2: [/quote]
我个人不建议在论坛发布debug版本。 [quote]原帖由 [i]寄托天下[/i] 于 2007-4-20 10:51 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Your suggestion sounds like a poem,maybe I would call mentalism. lol.Of cz its a joke.But u know that if the debugversion have been put in 2 someguys should be destroy the users' confidence of t ... [/quote]
It doesn't necessarily follow.
I don't know what is "Mathon debug version blood event", but if use the proper policy, the debug version would contribute the trail of some damn bug and not severely reduce the experience.
I'm a developer, "OutputDebugString" is the usual debug method. From the msdn([url=][/url]), we learn:
[indent][color=blue]If the application has no debugger, the system debugger displays the string. If the application has no debugger and the system debugger is not active, [b]OutputDebugString[/b] does nothing.[/color]
[/indent][color=#000000]OutputDebugString function is thread safe, we can view the pseudocode from [url=][/url]. As far as I know a lot of software productions use the function in the release version at some time in the past. Such as TM, NAV, MSDN etc(Maybe skip over to remove). [/color]
[color=#000000]If use OutputDebugString , we can receive the debug string info only by use some debug tools such as Debugview([url=][/url] . As normal user, get nothing. Moreover, it don't generate any file in the disk.[/color]
[color=#000000][/color] [quote]原帖由 [i]fratre[/i] 于 2007-4-20 11:53 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
It doesn't necessarily follow.
I don't know what is "Mathon debug version blood event", but if use the proper policy, the debug version would contribute the trail of some damn bug and no ... [/quote]
你们的心意,开发组是心领了,但毕竟目前的TW已到了RC3阶段,所有的东西从TW2.X系列开始就已打好了行程,多的,我想我作为一个普通的用户也没什么说的了~:shy: [quote]原帖由 [i]fratre[/i] 于 2007-4-20 11:53 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
It doesn't necessarily follow.
I don't know what is "Mathon debug version blood event", but if use the proper policy, the debug version would contribute the trail of some damn bug and no ... [/quote]
Thx your advice .thats right, with the development of the internet,plenty of websites become so complex and some of frameworks maybe not fit the to improve the stability and reliability of theworld browser becomes more and more significant.I always think that the phoenix studio devote themselvs 2 analyze the reliability of the browser with study of test process and testing tools is so hard .U know,2 the developer ,finding the bugs how 2 entered the developprogress and testing why the error impossible to defend effectively on ocassion.
As a developer,u should c thats NOT the certain particular error,the developers take part in the progress lacked communication of cz not evasion. As a result,many guys thought that put the dugversion will get the user done once and for ever .Its the final methods of software reliability and its strategic apply in browser quality assurance are summarized importantly.At the present time,establishing the unobstructed communication channel in the development personnel and the common user should be become the plan stage as a part. At present developing the group should emphasis to put in participates in the application procedure development, the user should cooperation eachohter , this certainly not mean had to use thespecial-purpose procedure to test promotes the quality,just forms a ring circuit 2 put in the bugs.germination, refined management, constructs with the transformation is the inevitable process in the software develops, bless our browser. TheWorld的源代码中大量使用了调用OutputDebugString的自制函数DebugString
#ifdef _LOGDEBUG
void DebugString( const char *format, ... );
#define DebugString ((void)0)
对于Release版本的TW来说,只要编译宏加入 _LOGDEBUG就可以有带debug string的版本了
明白各位的好意,如果我们真的遇到极端的问题实在解决不了,会考虑这种形式的,目前暂时还不打算这样做 都是鸟语!:cold: :cold: :cold: